GROUP 36 - Music Video 2008/9: producing a cd track timeline (9-9-08)

Tuesday 9 September 2008

producing a cd track timeline (9-9-08)

Today U1-36 is compiling a music video time line to aid us when it comes to thinking of ideas for our music video and shooting the video itself. We have done this by having 4 sheets of a4 paper with a grid printed in the middle of it. The grid is divided up into 12 blocks, each representing 5 seconds of the song.

The song we have chosen, "Riverside" by Kid Harpoon, lasts 4 minutes and 13 seconds, and we hope to trim this down by approximately 30 seconds to a minute. This way we reduce the workload for us so we can focus more on smaller parts of the song.

On each of the aforementioned blocks, we have written below exactly what is going on in those 5 seconds in the song in regards to the lyrics, guitar, bass and drums. This way, when we get into the business of shooting the video we can use the sheet to find out where we are, what we have done, and what may need doing still.



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